Medical Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Personalized Medicine

Many people take vitamins and nutritional supplements with the goal of improving or maintaining their health. While some vitamins are vital to normal body functions, the consumption of supplements without any medical guidance or scientific evidence is widespread.
A medical food is defined by the FDA as "a food which is formulated to be consumed or administered entirely under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation."
At Headache & Pain Center, we are offering several types of medical foods focused on pain conditions and related disorders. These formulations are designed to boost certain neurotransmitters, reduce inflammation, or relieve associated problems such as insomnia.
A few types of nutritional and herbal supplements have enough evidence to support their use for conditions such as headaches (Feverfew) and insomnia (Melatonin). Headache & Pain Center also offers MigreLief - a physician recommended nutritional migraine supplement for those who suffer from chronic migraines.
The NIH has a website to help people make decisions about nutritional supplements.
We also offer safe, topical, OTC pain relievers (creams, patches) at Headache & Pain Center.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION | Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health
Individualized Treatment: Headache & Pain Center also offers Pharmacogenetic Testing
This testing analyzes the body's ability to utilize and remove certain medications. People can differ in the amount of activity of certain enzymes that accomplish these tasks. By testing for these enzymes, the doctor can help guide you in which medications might be safer or more effective for you. This is another aspect of the personalized attention you receive at Headache & Pain Center.